Your pulse of life, Cardiovascular health
Seventy beats a minute, on average four thousand and twenty-four repetitive pulses day in day out. In essence our basic rhythm of life, precious and vulnerable.
Central to this paradigm of life is our cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), facilitating transport of nutrients to the building blocks of our body, the cells, and the removal of waste products via our lungs, liver and kidneys.
Cardiovascular diseases come with major personal and societal implications. Within the Interreg Flanders- The Netherlands project Trans Tech Diagnostics (TTD) this public-private consortium of Maastricht University (CARIM, lead partner), University Hasselt (BIOMED), VITO and TSG Innoteq focuses on the development of innovative diagnostic alternatives that allow for better assessment of your risks to develop cardiovascular diseases.
Main goal of our TTD research and development is creating innovative options for better cardiovascular diagnostics, increasing the individual quality of life, especially for elderly. Furthermore, TTD provides an open innovation network for public-private collaboration to create the cardiovascular health solutions for the future. TTD encourages SMEs, knowledge workers and students to inquire for options to collaborate in our innovation projects.

Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland
Trans Tech Diagnostics is an Interreg V project of the border region Flanders – the Netherlands and receives fi nancial support as part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, €1,580,000), regional governments and TTD partners (€1,580,000; total project budget €3,160,000).
Interested in joining Trans Tech Diagnostics or for more details on TTD?
Please contact Daniël Molin of Maastricht University.
Daniël Molin<>d dot molin at maastrichtuniversity dot nl